Filter Budget Form 113

I am using the Budget form 113, but I need it filtered according to specific G/L accounts, problem is I can’t use the G/L Account Filter on the form because the size of the filter string is longer than 250 characters. I can Mark the records I need through the code, but I can’t show MARKEDONLY, I am guessing this is because the form is generated using buffer tables and everything is in memory.

Any ideas or suggestion please, I have spent the whole week on this.

Thanks in advance.

I tried to set filter on field “Direct Posting” (just for testing) - and it seems to work.

The filter is set twice: in form 113, functions FindRec and NextRec:

CASE DimOption OF
DimOption::“G/L Account” :
GLAcc.“No.” := DimCodeBuf.Code;
GLAcc.setrange(“Direct Posting”, true);
IF GLAccFilter <> ‘’ THEN