Exporting the AOT

Hi All

Me and my colleage make changes in some report, and tables and add new reports as per the client.But we did all at the temporary or can say on test server as after completing the this test phase we transfer it to other main server. I just want to know after installing it to new server, can we import the whole AOT of test server and import it to new main server to retain our customize work.



If you have made changes to only some application objects you don’t need to export the entire AOT application objects. If you want that only a few customized application objects should be exported then create a shared project, include all the desired application objects manually in that project and export it.

If you want to export all the application objects from the layer in which you have done development/customization then you can use the project filter function to set up criteria for searching the Application Object Tree (AOT). You can use your customization layer as the criteria to generate the project.

  1. Create a new project.

  2. Double-click the project to open it.

  3. Click the filter icon on the project toolbar to open the Project Filter dialog box.

  4. Select Append to save the contents of the current project before new objects are added. Select Overwrite to delete the project’s former contents before new objects are added.

  5. Click one of the following buttons (under Grouping) to define how the system should group the objects in the project:

None – Adds objects directly to project node

AOT – Groups objects in nodes similar to the AOT (classes, forms, menu items, and so on).

Per user – Groups objects in nodes labeled with user identification.

Team in charge – Groups objects according to the team responsible.

  1. Click Select to define the query.

The query can locate objects in:

The application object database (UtilElements table).

The application help texts (UtilApplHelp table).

The application developer help texts (UtilApplCodeDoc table).

The system help texts (UtilCodeDoc table).

  1. Click OK to save the query and close the dialog box. The query is saved so that you can modify it later and re-create the project.

  2. Click OK in the Project filter dialog box to generate a project according to the query defined.

After the project gnerated on the basis of current customization layer, export it and when you want those customizations in a fresh environment then you can import the application objects there.