Expense Report Error Message


When I try to create a Purchase invoice this is what I get

Has anybody ever seen this error message and can tell me what it is?

The TE_Uploadedfiles_view table contains a field with a SQL Server value that is outside the allowable Microsoft Dynamics NAV Range. Field: Filename Type: Text49.

The above message I receive when I try to open an expense report (under Web Time and Expense Expense Report) This expense report was enetered in WTE expense Entry. The expense report was submitted and has been approved by the supervisor. I believe one of the attched receipts is a text file. How do I reject this ER to remove the bad file attachment once it has been approved.

Any suggestions on this error is appreciated!



Hi GBeeker,

Welcome to the Dynamics User Group !

It looks like a table you use in Nav was modified outside Nav. I am not familar with the expense report - is it part of an add-on?