Error when publishing an app to another Sandbox environment

I have an app that compiles and runs successfully in my DEV environment (Sandbox). I am trying to publish this app to my TEST environment and get the error below.

I have checked both fields and the application area is set to All. So im not sure what is missing here.

Package validation failed due to the following error(s): (58,23): error PTE0008: Field with name ‘Group No.’ must have a value for the ApplicationArea property.
(62,23): error PTE0008: Field with name ‘Customer No.’ must have a value for the ApplicationArea property. - Job Id : 8cc71474-1581-435a-898b-d1f0e5831b54

Hello I am almost sure that in the page where you have these fields you need a property as follows
Application area = All;

Just checked and Ive got that set to Applicationarea = All on all fields and the page itself.

can insert your page code to view?

I found the issue, there was another table that defined but missing the applicationarea on the corresponding page. Thanks again for the quick response.