Error: Reservation Entry: Assertion Fail

Anyone knows what is this error, and how to handle?

Reservation Entry: Assertion fail

It happens in mostly 2 areas ; when posting consumption, when finishing production orders.
in other transactions, I haven’t found one of this error kind.

Please help.
Thanx alot.

This is a known issue and MS have a hotfix for it, so you can get the code change from them or your partner, the article is 935367:

## SYMPTOMSWhen you set the Output quantity field on the Production Journal journal or when you change the status of a production order from released to finished in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 4.0, you receive the following error message:

## CAUSEThis error message may occur if the value that you set in the **Output quantity** field is larger than the value that was set during the original setup of the production order.

i’m searching in page, and put 935367 in the search box. but i can not find.
can you give me the link.
thank you.

Not sure if you need partnersouce access to get to this page, but here is the think:

got it. it needs login, but didnt know what login. have it processed.