Dynamics NAV 2017 Could not load the selected type library


Has anything changed on NAV 2017? I cannot reference an automation object in development environment. The subtype is Unknown Automation Server.Unknown Class. I can’t even recreate it. The problem is when I click Automation Server to select subtype again, it is not there. I have installed it over and over, the program and it still won’t show? Is there any way to check the GAC to see it is in fact there? I’ve also tried to regasm all my .dll’s nothing still shows up. This has worked before in 2016 and below, but this version it just won’t see my automation subtype, it acts like it’s not there, no matter how many times I install the software? Figure this is a bug?


Hi Young,
Nothing has changed. Depending on what you compare to.

Except a lot of what used to be automations in older classic Navision now has to be the dotnet counterpart. So if you compare to a classic, then yes a lot has changed.

If it’s something which used to work in NAV 2016, then it should. But we don’t know which DLL / automation class we talk about, so it might be different.

And of course, you did check that the DLL is actually installed and registered, on the computer you’re running your development environment on too??

Yes, thanks Erik. It ended up being a tlb regasm issue, but before I could have swore I didn’t need to manually register the .net .dll. All we had to do was install our product and it would be available in the list. But yes, after manually regasm with codebase and tlb command, it generated a tlb file and then it showed up. Hope this helps someone. Thanks for the reply to Erik.