
regarding CustAging Report, basically i want to dispaly customer Address on same report, for this i just work Around which is:
1.Add new string field in CustAgingReportTmp name is Address, then create new method in custAgingReportDp code is
public str GetCustomerAddress(Accountnum _accountNum)

str address;
select * from custTable
where custTable.Accountnum==_accountNum;
return address;
then in insertintoCustAgingTmp method of CustAgingReprotDP class, i just called the above method ,i.e
and then place that cusomerAddresss string to insertRecordSet ,
when i debugging the code, so that time the value is showing , but on report no data populated, plz guide me where i making mistake…Thanks & Regards

This method uses a set based operation to insert the records into custAgingReportTmp. Not sure how did you added the code here. The records are being inserted from \Data Dictionary\Tables\CustTmpAccountSum.

Try adding a field to CustTmpAccountSum and update it in \Classes\CustBalanceList\insertIntoTmpAccountSum.

Moving to Developer forum. Please post in the relevant forum.

Thanks Kranthi for your valuable suggestion…

do not add your field at line which group line for sum. add your field at line account num and name fields defined at SSRS design.

Thanks Metin Emre, i already added address field at Account num level in ssrs Desgin…can you share me the step of how you added new fields in that report…plz

Do you mean at the code level? If so, have you tried my suggestion?

No at Report Design Level just, plz guide me where is right place to insert new field for that report in Class level…!

I have already said that. Please see my initial comment and let us know if you have any questions.

Thanks Alot , i overlook that…now its working fine…