Hi All,
This my first post here,
I would like to know what is the right way to start using the Navision, is it okay to you Cronus Database structure (by restore it) and then applied the BE licence?
As I recently notes there was some feature that doesn’t includes on the licence that we purchases is exist on the cronus database therefore we found several error related to this situation. How can we determine if the if the modules inside the Cronus wasnt includes on our licence? and how can we removes or disable it.
Also I need your advice, what is the best way to implement Navision without having Cronus Database installed first. Or is it possible to import ONLY the templates (if there is any) that related with what my company need.
If I tried to create new DATABASE without Cronus Database, I only get a blank navigation pane on the Navision Classics interfaces, and then how can I start with this blank navigation? If it this is the right way, What I should do to continue?
Right now I only need to implement the sales and shipping process in to navision programs.
The best way to implement Navision is to find a reseller / Navision Partner that has done it before. You will save time and money in the long run.
Hi Matt,
Thanks for your response, yes we still have on going conversation and discussion with our Navision Partner here, and of course they helping us so much with the information with the advantages using their assistants.
My director still thinking to setup first without our partner help with all I can until we clearly (maybe not as crystal) how we can set up for system just for our Basic Need which is placing an order in to the system and do the shipment.
If you can help us to get this going by pointing some other resources (we have access to the customer sources also) that I can dig more in to it. this is will give us more confident to deal with the Partners.
So my question still remains, shall there any other input please welcome…
Hello again,
I just learned that we might need to avoid to use Cronus database as the foundation of the system and start o develop our own custom solution such creating tables, form and reports as Cronus demo company has all the functionality (granules) while our licence doesn’t included.
So I decided to export those code unit inside object designer one by one (inside the cronus) and later on import back the only one that we need and comply with our licence to our new (blank) database and company.
Please advice weather this is the right approach.
Thank you for reading this…
No, it’s not, and that’s why you need to utilize a partner to guide you in the right direction. You don’t want to use Cronus data in your database, but there is nothing wrong with having all of the objects in there. In fact you need them all, or many objects won’t compile or work at all.
You can’t think of developing a custom solution when you haven’t even seen how the out of the box solution works with your company.
Trust me and everyone else who has responded to similar posts. Going down this path is going to cost your company more time and money in the long run. If you want to learn how to do it, sit with the NAV partner while they do it and have this type of training be part of the contract.