Citrix, and scrolling

One of our customers experiences problems when using Navision 2.6 within a Citrix neighbourhood (version 1.8) using Windows 2000 server. When clicking on the arrow in the srollbar in a Navision window, the window keeps on scrolling and scrolling can’t be stopped. Does anybody have a sollution for this problem.

Did you install all Service Packs and HotFixes up to 2.60C? John

  • we had the same issue. It would seem that after patching it to 2.60C (and upgrading to SQL2000) the problem has been resolved. Andre

The problem that you have with Citrix MF1.8 W2000 is well-known. It is caused by Citrix NOT by Navision. Be informed, all released service packs for W2000, Citrix or Navision do not solve this problem. Report the problem to Citrix or your Citrix dealer they have a privat Hotfix for it. This Hotfix is not published on the Citrix internet page, you have to ask specific for it. Furthermore the Hotfix from Citrix is not a special one for the Navision application, the Hotfix solves a generell mouse double click problem of the Citrix Client. However, befor you install the Hotfix you must have installed the Service Pack 2 from Citrix. Untill you have installed the hotfix another Tip: If your window keeps on scrolling or it hangs on the top or the bottom press the ESC key to stop or release it. I recommend to use the arrow keys to scroll in that windows.