Base Calender

Dear All,

Kindly tell me that what is the use of base calender.

and how can we use the base calender in customer card.

Please do NOT cross-post the same Q in many forums! I deleted the second one.

Now, to your question - what do you exactly mean by how can we use the base calender in customer card? For what purposes?

If you attach a calendar to a customer and the calendar only has open days on a Thursday and Friday the system will plan to deliver on the Thursday or Friday, not any other day. The same is true on vendors except it is the day they deliver to you. Basically it enhances planning delivery suggestions based upon customer and vendor logistic restrictions.


Actually i hv seen the base calender in customer/vendor card and my client ask me about that…

what purpose we use and what is the benfit of that…

So if u hv any ans regarding that then told me

Thanks dear

It is the same concept just in reverse - the base calendar on a vendor defines teh days they can deliver to you and planning plans to this.