Axapta installation

Hi all,

I need an urgent help. Can you please tell me installation steps.

I ve got task to install Axapta with:1. SQL server 2. Axapta 3.0 SP6

I ve installed SQL server. But how I understand I need also to additionally download Microsoft Axapta, because SP6 is just an upgrde. Am I right or not?

Will appreciate any help.



Yes - you have to download Dynamics Ax 3.0 and SP6 separately.

Don’t open Ax until you finish installing SP6. In other words, after you install SP6, only then open Ax client and go through check lists (installation and upgrade)

Please refer to installation guide for more help.

Best wishes,


Thank you for reply. After checking installation guide I found that I need to download Microsft AX 3.0 and install it first.

Only afterwards I can install Service Pack.

But the size of Microsoft Ax file on this site: is very huge.

Can you suggest me any other download links if you know.


Yes. You have to install 3.0 software first. And then SP6.

You can download software ONLY from CustomerSource or PartnerSource (possibly from MSDN as well. You need to check!)

Also you would need Ax 3.0 license file to complete the installation. Once you purchase the license file, you will receive this from your partner. If you work for partner, you can download this from PartnerSource.