I am trying to install AX2012 on my pc. So initially installed SQL2012 and Visual Studio tools.
After this when I try to run AX setup It was opening visual studio not able to run installation process
Please help me
I am trying to install AX2012 on my pc. So initially installed SQL2012 and Visual Studio tools.
After this when I try to run AX setup It was opening visual studio not able to run installation process
Please help me
Visual Studio tools connects to AX application server (AOS), database is used just for storing data and not for executing application code. Therefore you have to install the AOS before trying to connect to AX from client components. You also have to install the AX client and complete AX installation checklist. Follow the installation guide.
By the way, it’s not clear what OS you’re using - AX server components support Windows Server 2008 and 2012. See AX 2012 System Requirements for details.
Right click ur DAX 2012 Setup … choose Open with … because the default browser of your installer is Visual Studio …