Address Related Issue

Can Any tell me this Address


55 Rue de Marseille
43000, Bordeaux

In AX 2012… In witch Legal Entity, and where it is coming …


Vinod P

We obviously can’t see into your database.

First of all, look into LogisticsPostalAddess table. If you don’t find the address there, tell us where you got it.

Hi Thanks Martin,

Thanks for the Reply…

But the thing is that… it is coming with the Demo Data … the Issue is … if i want to raise a PO without giving the Warehouse… automatically(In All Legal Entities) the above address is defaulted at Line Details Level at Address tab…

and that is also I am try to Delete the Address through the Table, Bec i didnt find out in the Frent End … It is showing some List of Warning Messages that the transactions was already generated


Vinod P

Delete data directly from this table is a very bad idea. If you succeeded, you would up with inconsistent database - AX would still look for the same location, but there wouldn’t be any address for it and who know what disastrous things could happen.

I don’t know how the address is initialized (without looking into AX); you can debug it by yourself if you want.

But more important question is what you’re trying to achieve.

Hi Martin,

Thanks for the response…

My main intension is that… where that address is there … is there any default thing is there … i just want to know…

That is only the main reason behind that… Once agin thanks for the reply… We will defaulted the Warehosue at master level itself…

Thank you

If your goal is to understand where the default is configured, how would deleting the record from LogisticsPostalAddress help you to achieve this goal? Instead, you need to analyse the logic. I don’t have time to help do it in the moment; try it yourself.

It looks like there is an invalid record in \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventLocationLogisticsLocation, The inventLocation in this table is mandatory and for one record it is zero.

You can start debugging the issue, \Data Dictionary\Tables\PurchLine\Methods\setAddressFromInventDim