wrong bankings


i posted some wrong bank accounts and want to delete so i can start afresh. i dont want to reverse/ unaply . pliz advice me further

Hi Betty,

Welcome to the Dynamics User Group!

Deleting data is not recommended and can cause future issues if you can not totally sure what you are doing. You can reverse the transactions or restore from a backup.

If you mean the the back account codes where setup incorrectly then you can simply rename the bank account codes.

thanks dave

but the problem is reversing the transaction is not quite possible since there are many transactions. so thought object designer- bank and customer ledger entry would sort me out. the thing is am not sure how many accounts to delete since i deletd the customer and bank but didnt get the right results. help

Hi Betty,

There are many more tables updated e.g. G/L entry so don’t do it - you will leave partial posted records and cause issues later. Talk to you partner you could write a routine to pick all the transactions and reverse them.

Take Dave’s advice here. There’s a reason you have to go into Object Designer and delete the data instead of being able to delete it through the standard NAV interface…because you’re not supposed to.

The correct way is to post reversing entries. It may not be what you want to do, and it may take a lot of time, but that’s the best way to do it.

thanks guys i now understand what you were saying.