Word Automation Expand

Ok, I’ll admit it i’m lost. What works in VBA doesn’t work at all in Navision. Maybe someone can explain to me why the “expand” method below doesn’t work. (XP OS + Office XP) [code] variables: AWordApp Automation ‘Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library’.Application ARngFind Automation ‘Microsoft Word 10.0 Object Library’.Range vConstFindStop ‘Variant vConstParagraph ‘Variant NO ‘Variant YES ‘Variant tFindValue ‘Text code: // constants NO := FALSE; YES := TRUE; vConstFindStop := 0; vConstParagraph := 10; // find CLEAR(ARngFind); ARngFind := AWordApp.ActiveDocument.Content; tFindValue := STRSUBSTNO(’%1’, ‘text1’); ARngFind.Find.Execute(tFindValue, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, YES, vConstFindStop, NO); // search for the text “text1” and finds it!! tResult := STRSUBSTNO(‘Start = %1 End = %2’, ARngFind.Start, ARngFind.“End”); IF CONFIRM(’%1’, FALSE, tResult) THEN EXIT; //Shows: Start = 188 End = 192 ARngFind.Expand(vConstParagraph); // <----- expand doesn’t work tResult := STRSUBSTNO(‘Start = %1 End = %2’, ARngFind.Start, ARngFind.“End”); IF CONFIRM(’%1’, FALSE, tResult) THEN EXIT; //Shows: Start = 188 End = 192 Text in word document: bla bla bla bla … These words around “text1” are not selected with the expand method … bla bla bla bla

Hi, I’ve tried the following code and it works (Office 2000). I think the only problem is the value of the Paragraph constant (according to VBA help, paragraph is 4, not 10 - this is Row) The document has the following text: bla bla bla … This is a Navision test … bla bla bla Variables: wdApp Automation 'Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library'.Application wdRange Automation 'Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library'.Range FileName Text 250 FindText Text 250 Yes Boolean No Boolean StopConstant Integer ParagraphConstant Integer Code: FileName := 'C:\Bla bla bla.doc'; FindText := 'Navision'; Yes := TRUE; No := FALSE; StopConstant := 0; ParagraphConstant := 4; CREATE(wdApp); wdApp.Documents.Open(FileName); wdRange := wdApp.ActiveDocument.Content; wdRange.Find.Execute(FindText,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,StopConstant,No); MESSAGE('Start %1\End %2\Text %3',wdRange.Start,wdRange."End",wdRange.Text); wdRange.Expand(ParagraphConstant); MESSAGE('Start %1\End %2\Text %3',wdRange.Start,wdRange."End",wdRange.Text); The 1st message is: Start 51 End 58 Text Navision But the 2nd message is: Start 41 End 63 Text This is a Navision test I hope this proves helpful

Great, i was about to give up, will try out later and let you know the result!

Yes, it works, i typed/copied the wrong value in the constant, aarrggh. Now on to the next problem.