Word Automation: Open WORD - Check if open

How can I (out of Navision) verify whether WORD is already open in the current session and if not just open WORD (because this is a prerequisite for my automation export to WORD to work)? Thanks!

Not very sure exactly what your trying to accomplish but what I did to do this was, but all I did was clear the wdApp before starting another one. Here is the example Var Name DataType Subtype Length wdApp Automation 'Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library'.Application wdDoc Automation 'Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library'.Document wdDocs Automation 'Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library'.Documents wdRange Automation 'Microsoft Word 9.0 Object Library'.Range FileName Text 250 CLEAR(wdApp); SalesLIne.SETFILTER("Document No.",SalesHeader."No."); SalesLIne.FIND('-'); Customer.GET(SalesHeader."Sell-to Customer No."); FormatAddress.SalesHeaderBillTo(AddrArray,SalesHeader); CREATE(wdApp); FileName := 'S:\Data\Word\CIS.Dot'; wdDoc := wdApp.Documents.Add(FileName); wdRange := wdApp.ActiveDocument.Fields.Item(1).Result; wdRange.Text := AddrArray[1]; Amount :=FORMAT(SalesHeader."Your Reference"); wdRange := wdApp.ActiveDocument.Fields.Item(2).Result; wdRange.Text := Amount; Here you see I just created a word template that contained feilds that I populated from navision. I also have something similair to use for excel as well. Hope it helps.