Where is the personal configuration saved in Dynamics AX 2009?

Hello all,

I would like to know, where is the personal configuration data saved. For example in most cases you can change the view in Dynamics AX. You can change the position of the colomns and the save this view.

Other users are then able to call and use this view. As it’s possible to save this configuration in every module, I would like to know, whether this information is stored in a common table or in different tables for each modules.

Thank you very much

Ergun oezdamar

No idea anyone? Is my question understandable?

If you are looking for user favorites and personalization information then refer this


It is stored in a common system table called “SysLastValue”. You won’t see the table in the AOT because it’s a system table, but you can still browse it if you do it via a different method.

Go to forms>SysLastValue, then go to the datasources, and right click on the SysLastValue datasource, go to “Add Ins” then table browser. The “Value” field is a container that stores “packed” data for each form and is unique throughout the system.

Thank you very much. It very interesting to know details about SysLastValue. I will check the data, I hope to find a solution for my problem.

Ergun Oezdamar