Where can we use the ArrayElements

Hai to all,

In every EDT we can find the Array Elements.I would like to know Where can we use these Array Elements in our Ax application.Could u plz tell me.

For better understanding check out the EDT-Dimensions

Hai to all,

Anyone plz explain me about Array elements in EDT

Hai Naresh,

refer: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa675074.aspx

Hope this will help!!



Hai shon,

If u write any answer,u don’t click the sugestion button your self.bcz i hope your answer will correct then it will be suggest by any one.

And allways u clicked Suggeste Button no one is giving replies for that post .Even ur suggested to my Question also,if it is correct answer then u suggest that answer not the Question?

Thanks for reply,

it will help me

I understand that bro, It happend by mistake from my end not purposefully

Anyways either way the problem is solved.

