When will use Hotfixes

Hai Team,

Could u plz tell me when we are using hotfixes in ax 2009 .What is the main use of Hot fixes.And finally where can i get these Hotfixes.[*-)]

Hai naresh,

Hotfixes- Used when your standard is not meeting some requirement of yours…its nothing but an enhancment you can say,

Varies depending on your problem. If you install hotfix changes will be in patch layer like -syp,glp= as they are patches.

You can find all the hot fix info in the partner source with explanation for each hotfix till date.

Log into your partner source for more info.




Hot fixes are patches intended to address a specific issue / error.

Generally speaking, hot fixes are not imported into the system just for the sake of it. Hot fixes are imported only if you have that specific issue in your environment.


Take advantage of Life-cycle Services to find bugs and hot fixes.


Hotfixes are the code resolution to address selected bugs that impact key features or a significant portion of the install-base. A hotfix can address either a single issue or a cumulative set of issues impacting the Microsoft Dynamics AX application.