Well I know there is almost always many ways to handle things, so my question is I have a single item that is sold for many different machine types and I want the order entry person to select what machine type it is being sold for in order to track what the sales are for each machine. The object is to not add a part number for each because the are only bought from a single vendor and we use the vendors part numbers already.
I would just like to hear how some of you might approach this issue.
add a new field “Machine Type” to table “Sales Line” and view that new fieldin the sales order subform. This field is either an option field, if the option entries are fix values, which are not changed later on or it’s based on a new table “Machine Type”.
If not every item you sell is related to a machine type, you might consider using dimensions. It would require no programming, but might take some custom reports.
to some extent YES, but you’ll need to create and maintain those Variants.
Problem is, that Variants are being accounted by Qty - as I understood, the Item is actually the always same, you never know before how much of each “Variant” you’ll need and you may encounter a situation, when the requested exact “Variant” is out of stock, nevertheless you have plenty of those Items BUT different Variant. (theoretically movements between Variants are possible thru Positive/Negative Inv adjustments, but it would be an overkill)
IMHO using a special Dimension to distinguish the Item would be the best approach, and it easily solves your reporting needs, too. Items analysis by dimensions is an old feature of NAV - 10 years ago it was impossible, but from v5 (IMHO) it is there.