Welcome to Microsoft CRM

Dear members, We have just added two new fora - the Microsoft CRM - End User Questions forum and theMicrosoft CRM - Developer Forum. With this step we are expanding the user group to include a very important solution in the MBS world that we cannot just ignore. Please help us in making these fora a succes. Who will be the first to ask a question? And to answer it?

What does it cost, compared to Navision CRM (globally) [?]

Michiel, I can only answer this with another question: What does Navision cost? No, MBS CRM is a priceworthy competitor in the midrange zone. My own organization are using this subsidaries where we primary are dealing with marketing directed toward end-users (not known in Navision), oposed to the customers we have in Navision, and for more service oriented help/call center departments.

I know I’m being picky here [:)], but is there any chance for the new Forum Group “Microsoft CRM” to be moved to under the General Group?

Nelson, It will be moved soon. It’s just up there to give it a little more attention in the beginning…

OK, it does make sense. Thanks.