Web Client with URL user-friendly

Hi Everyone,

I’ve published a NAV Web Client, the URL to run it is with the following format


I’d like to offer access using a URL user-friendly like using the only domain, like


I found a working solution that is use a redirect in a file but, because I think this is a common issue, I’d like to understand what is the best solution.

I was thinking also to create a rule in the IIS configuration (rewrite or redirect).

Your thoughts?

Thank you

Hi Sergio,

Very interesting question Sergio. [:)]

Personally I would not want to expose my NAV system this way. Even if the domain name was only inside an intranet. And I don’t think that it would be too much an issue, if they first have to go to the root, and click a link there.

If I was to do this, then I would either create an html redirect in the root /default.html or use a sub domain and DNS to redirect like nav.website.comwww.website.com/DynamicsNAV71/Webclient. Not a very slick solution either! [;)]

But please share your solution with redirect, just to know what you’ve tried already.

Hi Eric,

Thanks for your reply. I haven’t considered the possibility to do this from the DNS being myself not ad Administrator of their network.

I thought more to IIS configuration or NAV configuration.

My solution is a file Default.htm in the root of the virtualdirectory that is my domain http://www.website.com/ having in the a metatag <META http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=http://www.website.com/DynamicsNAV71/WebClient/"> and a link in the body.

I haven’t understood your comment about the security, probably it was because I wrote http rather than https and I haven’t said if is published over internet or intranet.

I totally agree that use a link was not a much an issue but when the customer asks something I try to please him.

Thank you