void check statement status error: bank reconciliation

I am using vs 5.0 US. I am trying to void a check. When I go to void the check this error message happens “statement status must be open in check ledger entry no. xx”. This relates to the bank reconciliation function. When you generate a bank recon, suggest lines, you mark the lines you want to be cleared. The other lines remain unmarked (as they aren’t due to clear yet) but are still on the bank recon as you cannot delete lines. Therefore when you post the bank recon., it now has committed all lines (marked/unmarked) to the statement and has changed the status from open to check ledger applied (ledger entry has been applied to by a check ledger via the reconiliation facility).

Now that I need to void the check I can’t because it thinks it’s committed. Anyone have an idea how to get around this or what should be done in this scenerio?


The versions (GB/IE/W1) I use allow you to delete the entries that you don’t need after the generate, the US seems different. Does this check appear on the next reconciliation, as I’m puzzled why it’s not marked as open if not ticked. Normally the check is open until it’s ticked on a back recon. Have you tried to tick the entry as open manually in the table?

I am having the same problem. :frowning:

Hi Viktoriya,

What have you tried?

Have you tried to tick the entry as open manually in the table?

Hi Viktoriya,

I see you Russian name do you can tell me please best advice for Russian language add-on Navision software? Exists?

Alexsandr [8-|]

I don’t think there is a standard solutions for that, even if you manually from the back modify the data which is not recommended.

Else check the documentation avaliable for Bank Reco.