I am getting 2 lines in the posting product receipt form while clicking on the Product receipt in the Posting Purchase order process in AX 2012 R2.
What i need to do whether i need to delete 1 line in the Posting product receipt form and Start posting the Product receipt or any other way so that i can get only one line in the Posting product receipt form. and When i select the Lines tab of the Posting product receipt form there are lines with the items are appearing and no issue on this part. The two lines i am referring in the Posting Product receipt form is that the it contains the fields such as Purchase order number, Number/Product receipt number, Gate entry and other 2 fields.
Kindly update me on how to resolve this issue.
Thanks and regards,
D Praveen Kumar.
You get two lines for every single line? So you have 5xitem A and when you come to receive it it has 5xitem A and 5xitem A?
I am getting two lines when i click on Product receipt button. For example, say in a Purchase order it contains 10 lines of items.
In 1st Product receipt lines it is fetching 7 lines and in 2nd product receipt lines it is fetching 3 lines.
So i could not post the product receipt for the purchase order.
Kindly provide the solution for this so that in single line of Product receipt all the 10 line items are updated, so that i can post the Product receipt for this purchase order.
and also update me why i am getting this issue for some Purchase orders.
Thanks and regards,
D Praveen Kumar.
There is nothing wrong with having a receipt of 7 lines and one of 3 lines.
What error message did it give you?
When generating the receipt what parameter usage did you define?