I have tried to deploy Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 but it was unsuccessful. Is it a problem if Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 is a part of my environment? Are there any experiences?
To install SharePoint 2013 with Dynamics AX R2, you need to install some hotfixes. Please check http://technet.microsoft.com/EN-US/library/dn169057.aspx
When you attempt this again, after following the directions above, you will be presented with some information as to the reason the failure exists. Please post that information. also, when you state you are attempting to ‘deploy’ the site, is that then to mean you installed EP from the AX installation media without any errors?
Thanks a lot. The installation of EP was successful after installing these hotfixes. Yeah, I meant that there were a few errors when I have tried to deploy the site.