Total of all Open Invoices and Open Sales Lines

Hi all ,

Please tell me how to find the total all open saleslines and open invoices(by invoice account) in AX 2012 .

Thanks in Advance.

Hi, you may have to run two reports for this.

  1. Order lines not invoiced.
  2. Customer invoice transactions (with invoice type = Open)

Thanks Kranthi.

i have added one enum creditholdparameter with values 15 days ,30 days and never.
And my task is

If CustTable.CreditHoldParameter = ‘15Days’ or ‘30Days’

i. Total up all open invoices (by Invoice Account) & open Sales Lines.
ii. If this total is greater than CustTable.CreditMax, set CustTable.hrk_CreditStatus = ‘Over Credit Limit’.
iii. For all open Sales Orders (SalesStatus = ‘Open Order’ or ‘Journal’) for this customer where SalesTable.Payment is not ‘Prepayment’ or ‘Visa/MC’ or ‘CC Auto’, set SalesTable.hrk_CreditStatus = ‘Over Credit Limit’.

  1. If one does not already exist, create a record in MCRHoldCodeTrans with the Hold Code ‘Over Credit Limit’.

So what is stopping you to address it?

I need the Total of all open invoices (by Invoice Account) & open Sales Lines.Thats it.

You can look at those report to find the sources of the data.

Thanks.But still im having the confusion

Please explain.

How to find all open invoices by invoice account ?

See if this is what you are looking for \Classes\CustCreditLimit\balanceInvoiced?

Hey guys,

I moved this to the developer forum.
