Textbox Properties

I want to control the input of the users in a textbox. I dont want them to write the character @. How can I control this? Thank you.

Extract from the C/SIDE Help Text, Properties on Textboxes: CharAllowed Use this property to set the range of characters you will allow the user to enter into this field or text box. Applies to Fields, text boxes Comments For example, if you want users to type only uppercase letters in this field, enter AZ. This tells the system to only accept uppercase characters between the range A-Z. If you want both upper- and lowercase characters, leave this field blank. You can specify multiple ranges of characters. For example, admpz tells the system to accept these characters: a, b, c, d, m, n, o, p and z. For text boxes, you can use this property to further limit the characters allowed, based on the fields setting. The system checks this setting for the text box and for the field during validation. Lars Strøm Valsted ------------------------- Software development today is a race between the programmers trying to make better and more foolproof programs, and the universe trying to make bigger idiots. So far the universe is winning.

Actually I have read the manual. But it does not tell how to exclude certain characters as @. Thank you.

Soren, You cannot exclude, you have to include. I know it’s a pain in the butt, when you just want to exclude one specific character, but unfortunately that’s the way it is. If it is just one field, then you could wirte this piece of code in the OnValidate trigger of the field: IF STRPOS(,’@’) <> 0 THEN ERROR(’’); Lars Strøm Valsted ------------------------- Software development today is a race between the programmers trying to make better and more foolproof programs, and the universe trying to make bigger idiots. So far the universe is winning.

Thank you Lars, This way it is working.

Another way for not having the error is using delchar… str := delchar(str,’=’,’@’); Regards Alfonso Pertierra (Spain)apertierra@teleline.es