Copy & paste

Hi All, when i copy & paste text from one textbox to another textbox via strg+c and strg+v and the source-textbox is ediatble, everything works fine. But if the textbox is not editable the letters ö,ä,ü are not copied correctly. Has anyone a solution? Thanks in advance. Greetings, Frank

Hello Frank, an interesting finding! I made a quick test with the Swedish “åiåaäeö” (which actually has a meaning), and wasn’t able to past it anywhere. I suppose tht this is where you should go global: Restrict at least primary key values to 0 -9, A - Z + “-” or some other delimiter, and leave the local characters to the historicians. Pelle

This subject was discused long time ago, and it was aparently solved in last navision versions… try finding the old subject on the search… Alfonso Pertierra (Spain)