Table 27 will not run

I hope I am in the right forum, I have a problem when I try and run Table 27 it gives me an error which says the flowfield value cannot be calculated

You must define and activate a key that contains the key fields that appear below(the order is unimportant) and then associate the specified SumIndexField with it.

and the fields are:

Keyfields: Item No,

SumIndexField: Cost Amount (actual),

Table: Item Ledger Entry

It tells you that if you create a new flowfield then you must make sure that the fields you are filtering in the flowfield are the exact same as a key in the sub table (Item Ledger Entry) and that this key must have the “Cost Amount (Actual)” a a sumindexfield.

So if you want to run the table you have to add the field as a SumIndexField or get rid of that field in the item table if it is not being used (which it probably isn’t since it doesn’t work). Maybe the field was just added, though.