i have this error when i ran the table N° 13(salesperson/purchaser):
the flowfield value can not be calculated.
you must define and activate a key that contains the following key fields in any order and then associate the specified sumIndexField with it.
Key Fields: Type
SumIndexField: Amount
Table: Sales Transaction
can you help me please?
thank you.
you need to add above mentioned key in table Sales Transaction
Is there any flowfield in Table which is referring value from another table ??
If yes then you have define the key in that table.
i defined this key in that table but another error appears:
the two fields bellow must have the same type.
Field: type filter ← Amount
Table: Vendeur/Acheteur ← Sales Transaction
Type: Option ← Decimal
You should have both data type should be same .
YOu can not insert option data in decimal field.