SysDataBaseTransDelete is throwing some error..

Hi Experts,

I want to delete a company(Test Company) from my production server. I tried running the SysDataBaseTransDelete Class. It is throwing errors when it is ran. The error message is

"Cannot delete a record in Inventory settlement (InventSettlement). Item number: , .

The SQL database has issued an error.

Please do the needful…

Thanks and advance

Look into event logs on AOS; you should find details there.

It’s important to know what error occurred, not just “an error”.

Thanks for the suggestion Martin…

I have checked the Event Log and got to know that there are issues with 5 Tables. When I try to fix them, One of those table is INVENTDIM.

In INVENTDIM table, WMSPalletId field is not there in the DB and there is differences with the indexes too. After further analysis, I came to know that WMSPallet Table is not there in DB.

Please suggest me any possible solutions to this issue.

Please synchronizing your database

Maybe you changed configuration keys and forgot to run synchronization.

Unfortunately, I tried the same twice… But, getting the same kind of SQL Trace error which synchroizing with DB.

Trying to use unsynchronized database is a waste of time. Stop doing that and start addressing the problem causing the synchronization to fail. If you need help, please give us more information than “getting the same kind of SQL Trace error”. For example, the exact error message and your version of AX would be a good start.