Standard NAV Previous & Next buttons

Hi everyone,

We have the buttons Next & Previous in NAV pages.
I have a customization to make in a page: If I click on Next, a certain code has to be executed, and if I click Previous, a different code should be executed.
As far as I know, the trigger in the code is the same for both buttons: OnNextRecord.
If I am going to place my code there, how can I make the difference between the two?

Thanks in advance :)


next: steps = 1

previous: steps = -1

try following sample code in trigger onnextrecord:



p.s.: please always add tags to your questions, at least the nav version. makes it easier to help.

What is your NAV version those should be available as standard if you are latest version just need to show them on the page, if you are old version check this link