SQL to X++

How would I write this in X++?






I think you are trying get the categoryId and CategoryName from categoryTable and trying concatinate them.

str catName;

CategoryTable categoryTable;


select categoryId,categoryName from categoryTable ;///write your condition here(using - where)

catName = categoryTable.categoryId + " "+categoryTable.categoryName ;

Is this what you are asking?

and also go through the basics of X++ queries.

Where can I find the basic x++ queries?

I’m trying to create a new field on a table that combines those two fields together. Instead of manually keeping those fields up to date, I wanted a method that would dynamically update. Am I going about this the right way? Thank you for your help!

You can find about X++ queries - in the developer documentation given by Microsoft. which you can download from partner/customer source.

Your requirement can achieved in different ways.

One way of doing it override the insert method of the Table - categoryTable

this.catName = this.categoryId + " "+this.categoryName ; //this points to categoryTable.

write this line of code before super() in the insert method.