sql query to fin block item


I want to write a query to find out blocked item with date of item block(on which date item blocked).

anyone have any idea.

Thanks in advance.


Irshad Ahmad

What do you mean by blocking an Item?

An item can only be stopped from being posted from transactions like inventory, Purch, Sales.

This is a setup in default order settings/Site specific order settings.

Purch - \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventItemPurchSetup

Invent - \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventItemInventSetup

sales - \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventItemSalesSetup

Thanks kranthi,

let suppose I want to find out item blocking for sales transaction with date of blocking.

Stopped field in \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventItemSalesSetup will give you the information whether it is stopped for sales transactions or not, but there is no date field(to say when it has been stopped)

See \Data Dictionary\Tables\InventItemSalesSetup\Methods\find (which will help you to get the required data)
