simple reporting in ax 2009

I am new to dynamics ax world so can anybody help me with creating a simple report using the below details:

Report Heading(Main Header)

First Line:

  1. Company Name and address

  2. Purchase Order Number

  3. Vendor Account

  4. Vendor Name

  5. Vendor Address

  6. Currency

Second Line:

  1. Item Number

  2. Item Name

  3. Item Group

  4. Unit Price

  5. Quantity

  6. Net Amount

  7. Delivery Date

  8. Text

  9. Site

  10. Ware House

  11. Invoice Number

thank you in advance :slight_smile:


Please refer some standard report or look into Tutorial_ Reports at once under AOT -->Reports Node…


thanx for your reply, if can you plz mention some of the links as an example for this kind would b very helpful