Shelf/Bin No. on Sales Order Line

We have modified the sales line table such that when the user enters a cross reference item number on the sales order, the Navision Item No., Description, etc. default to the lines from the Item Card. I would also like to default the Shelf/Bin No. field, but have been unable to figure out where this is done in the code as I did not make the original modification. The following code exists in the OnValidate trigger of the Cross Reference No. field: //>> Item Cross Reference - start GetSalesHeader; “Sell-to Customer No.” := SalesHeader.“Sell-to Customer No.”; DistIntegration.ICRLookUpSalesItem(Rec,SalesHeader.“Price Group Code”); //<< Item Cross Reference - end There is also a function GetItem with this code: TESTFIELD(“No.”); IF “No.” <> Item.“No.” THEN Item.GET(“No.”); Any idea on how to also get Shelf/Bin No. to the sales order line?

Hi I would look at OnValidate(“No.”) and add the code there in the area of IF Type = Type::Item. This is where the assignments from the Item card are performed. I hope this helps.

Thanks for the direction Stephen; The OnValidate(No.) has the following code: Type::Item: BEGIN GetItem; Item.TESTFIELD(Blocked,FALSE); Item.TESTFIELD(“Inventory Posting Group”); Item.TESTFIELD(“Gen. Prod. Posting Group”); “Posting Group” := Item.“Inventory Posting Group”; “Quantity Disc. Code” := Item.“Sales Qty. Disc. Code”; Description := Item.Description; “Description 2” := Item.“Description 2”; VALIDATE(“Unit Cost ($)”,Item.“Unit Cost”); “Allow Invoice Disc.” := Item.“Allow Invoice Disc.”; “Units per Parcel” := Item.“Units per Parcel”; “Gen. Prod. Posting Group” := Item.“Gen. Prod. Posting Group”; “Tax Prod. Posting Group” := Item.“Tax Prod. Posting Group”; “Tax Group Code” := Item.“Tax Group Code”; “Shelf/Bin No.” := Item.“Shelf/Bin No.”; Shelf/Bin No. does not default[?]