Sales quotation report in ax 2012 r3

Hi guys,

I am facing a strange issue in SSRS report .We have standard Sales quotation report.

I have creatted a new controller class and called by new design in the main method of it.

the standrd Report name is one “SalesQuotationReport” and I have changed the design name in the menu item and controller class name in the menu item button of the form CustQuotationJournal.

I have deplyed the report fron visual studio and ax as well.

but when i open the form it showing the correct data but in old standard design “report” not the new design which i have created even I have restarted the services but still showing the old report.

Please provide the steps to proceed and I am using ax 2012 r3

So you changed the menu item properties(controller and design) of \Menu Items\Output\SalesQuotationOriginal

\Menu Items\Output\SalesQuotationCopy.

Look at the clicked method, it actually call the launchReport method on the form if the project3 configuration is enabled.

Is the quotation related to project?

yes I changed all the menu item properties and checked now we have the click method on the same menu item

when I put the debugger it goes inside the method of the form.!!!

yes I changed all the menu item properties and checked now we have the click method on the same menu item

I put the debugger and it went inside the method of the form.

so it means Projet3 is enabled .

The quotation is not related to the project and I dont have issues with sales quotation report but wrong design is being called.

So does it executes the project related code(if the quotation is associated to the project)???

Have you also changed the \Classes\PrintMgmtDocType\getDefaultReportFormat