Reservations and WMS

OK this has the potential to generate an answer embarassing to me but here it goes:

I have a client on 4.0 and they are using Reservations. Now we are thinking of installing warehouse management. However I cannot see anything on the WMS side that ties into reservations.

I did the following test: entered 2 POs and reserved one against an SO. Then received and put away both in 2 different bins. Then created a shipment and a pick for the SO and the system picked the bin where I put the PO that was not reserved (I think it was alphabetical choice).

So …

Am I missing something or you cannot use reservations with WMS?

you are not missing anything. that’s how wms works. same applies for SN and Lot tracking as well for WMS.

WMS has it’s own reservation system if you can call it, but basically you can’t go negative in WMS and so Pick reserve items so that no other pick can be created if there is nothing available (in bin content)

Hi Rashed,

You can use Item Tracking but not being able to use reservations is a pretty big oversight. I cannot say I am not dissapointed.


what I mean by SN and lot tracking is that if you specify a specific SN on a sales order or PO, when you create the pick, it doesn’t suggest the SN or lot.

OK … Now I AM depressed. Thanks for the info though.


I use reservations with bins eShip and WMS regularly. I wont say there are no problems, becuase its a real bitch to use, and a major source of the “There were no Picks generated message”, since always someone has that itm reserved.

The big issue is that bins need to match reservations.

Maybe the code is a part of eShip and I never noticed it, because if I think now I haven’t worked with Bins and reservations except in an eShip environment.

Anyway, once you have the users properly trained it all works fine.

Hi David,

I will call Lanham tomorrow and ask them. I was not aware they do reservations with WMS either.

If they don’t then it means I AM missing something.

Cristi Nicola