Requisition Worksheet ordering policy

Could someone help me please to understand and identify which ordering policy would be best suited to our work scenario, I have read the help files but the complexity of the solution doesnt allow me to make a final decision.

We hold stock of high-qty / small presision pressings and work on a basis that requires us to deliver very quickly, as such we need to have the following in place :

  • order based upon historical demand / sales patterns

  • also take into account any sales order in progress

  • hold about 3 months stock and replenish when stock hits a certain level, allowing us to replenish before we run out (taking into account supplier/part lead times).

Any ideas please?

The patterns stuff is not standard functionality in NAV.

Basically to speak:

The most commonly used Reordering policies are:

In this case no replenishment will happen in the worksheet at all - all orders need to be created manually
<Maximum Quantity" - The system calculates the virtual stock level at the end of the period (date entered in the “Calculate Needs” batch job):
Inventory + Purchases expected to be received before that date - Sales expected to be shipped until that date = Virtual Stock Level
This stock level will be lower than Reorder point, system suggests to buy as many “Order Multiples” as needed to reach or slightly exceed the maximum inventory.
- the system will ignore min/max defined and only calculate based on the Sales Orders and purchase Orders entered

As Thimas states NAV will not calculate the best policy or model this for you, you need to do the ground work.

I would use a fixed reorder policy. Depending upon the lead time and usage load up your reorder point to cover yourself, then when this is future triggered the system will tell you when you need to place an order. To me this is the best policy based upon your description - try it and see. [:D]