Hi all, we’re implementing Navision Financials 3.70 and we’re in trouble with Reordeing Policy setup. Suppose an item “A” has: Inventory = 5 Qty on Sales Order = 15 (other qty’s = 0) ISSUE #1 With Fixed Reorder Qty, Reorder Point = 10, Reordering Qty = 20 we get 20 as calculated Quantity. This is not what we want, because we have an availability of -10 (= 5 - 15) se we must reorder 30 (= 20 minus -10). ISSUE #2 If we set Maximum Qty. as Reordering Policy, we get 2 (identical) lines with a Quantity = 15 each. Why can’t we get an unique line with Quantity = 30? ------- Now suppose that Item “A” is as follows: Inventory = 15 Qty on Sales Order = 0 (other qty’s = 0) Our Reordering Policy is that we don’t have to order this item because its availability is >= Reorder Point. ISSUE #3 How to set parameters to get this kind of behavior (these parameters must be the same as for issue #1 and #2 since the item is always “A”)? I was unable to do that with hundreds of combinations!!! Could you please help me? Thanks, Marco
Hi Marco Issue 1 is calculating correctly - the reorder quantity takes you back to the reorder point having satisfied demand. Inventory 5 - Demand 15 net requirement = 20, reorder quantity 20 gets you back to the reorder level required. How did the inventory get to 5 in the first place with a reorder point of 10 - not possible! I remember issues where setting policies up first time did not take until the inventory went to 0 - carry on with the test and load another sales order for 1 - it will tell you to order 20 and carry on correctly. With the Max Quantity do you have the latestest hotfix applied? Not sure what you mean with issue 3 - if your inventory is 15 and you have a reorder point of 10 and no demand - you will have no replenishments generated.
Hello Steven, thanks for your reply. Do you know if there is a public list of hotfixes for Navision 3.70 (we’re using Italian release)? Meanwhile, I’ll do some other testing. Marco
Hi Marco, I am afraid I do not. I will try and locate a listing when back in the office - I think in the UK we are on 27 but I could be horribly wrong [:D]. Can you contact your own NSC and see?
try searching the forum for “hotfix” you may find this: http://www.navision.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=8787
Just wanted to let you all know that we have been fighiting the Req. Worksheet battle since 3.1. We are on 3.7 and Navision has provided us with at least 3 fixes that have not worked. We have received the latest “fix” from Navision, but with their track record I’m not holding my breath. I’m sure you all can understand the frustration we have since we went from 3.1 to 3.6 then 3.6 to 3.7 and still have issues with the req. worksheet. Hopefully MBS will figure out how to get this to work properly one day…