Problem with restore?

I have make a backup normaly from Ms Nav in .Fob file. The proces of backup has finished good, but now when i try to restore, I give the error " The Item tables contains a value in a code fild that can not be used with MS Dynamiscs Nav"

Field “Search Description”

Thank you in advance?

Are you using the same build version to backup and restore? The same app versions should be fine, but just to be safe use the same build to.

Are you restoring into a new database (i.e. freshly created) or are you restoring to a database that already has data and/or obejcts?

Whats version? Whys is the backup called an FOB? FOB’s are object files and FBK’s are backup files.


Havn’t seen that error myself, but I had a simular problem in a NAV 5.0 running on SQL some-version.
Problem was that data had been filled into a code-field - directly into the SQL-base, not via NAV. And that code-field contained a lower-case letter.
If data is filled in via NAV, all letters in a code-field are converted to upper-case.

Anfinnur’s suggestion is right - you can “live” with such “illegal” chars in CODE type field and maybe never know about their presence, but restore routine finds them when processing backup and stops with error you quoted.

Bad news is, that this can not be cured in .FBK file. You must find this bad data in Code type field in your DB, correct it there, and make new backup…

Thanks for your time,

In can restore in the same database , but i have created a new database and i am trying to ristore to the new database. The build version is the same, and the file is .FBK

Create a report with the wizard on the Item table and run through all items, as the standard code on the Item table forces the “Search Description” to uppercase for the code field just add this code:

“Search Description” := UPPERCASE(Description);


Then try a new backup and restore.

If that does not fix the problem another option is to export all objects, make a data only baclup, create a database, Import the objects (replace all) and last operation restore the data.


Note: As already pointed out, this is most likely due to lowercase text being imported into the “Search Description” at data take on!