previous value update


i created 4 tables and i have same field for Tbl1(Grade) and Tbl2(Grade). if change the Tbl1(Grade) then i will update to Tbl4(Grade) through joins actually its working but every time previous value update i can’t update my current value. used


but not updating . . . .

The description is not clear. Please elaborate.

Tbl1 has Grade field Tbl4 also has the same field in between there are tow tables. 1 to 4 has has join with common field if I change the Grade value from Tbl1 and also update to Tbl4. its updating but i cant update the current value the previous value only updating ( I did this code in Tbl1 → Grade field → modified())

AStudent astudents;
Bcourse bcourses;
CCollege ccolleges;
DGrad dgrads;

while select forUpdate dgrads join ccolleges join bcourses join astudents where dgrads.CollegeCode == ccolleges.CollegeCode && ccolleges.CourseID == bcourses.CourseID && bcourses.StudID == astudents.ID

dgrads.Grade = astudents.Grade;


Table1 = AStudent
Table2 = Bcourse
Table3 = CCollege
Table4 = DGrad

Write it in update method. Split the statement for each table and use update_recordset.

Why are you doing a refresh and research? Why is it in the while loop though?

yeah ok now I got it thanks. . . . . . . .