Update field

hello guys,

I have question about updating.I have field on my salestable name is custinvoicid but its come empty when I create new record.How can I filled this field with salesid.they ask me to make equal this fields.so they want salesıd==custinvoiceid.

Should I put code on salestable like:

while select for update this.SalesId==this.custinvoiceid on update method of form.

Does that mean you want to update the custinvoiceid field with sales Id value after creating the sales order?

If so you can assign the value after the sales id gets a value during the insert. SalesTableType.insert();

in insert method of table?so basicall this.salesid==this.custinvoiceid

this.custinvoiceid = this.salesId;
Is this what you are expecting right?

yes I want to update all custİnvoiceid’s with salesid

My last comment was for updating the value of custinvoiceid while creating the sales order.
If you want to update the existing sales orders write a job and update them.
update_recordSet salesTable
setting custinvoiceid = salesTable.SalesId;

how can I update the value of custinvoiceid while creating salaestable?this is more make sanse i think

That was already answered. Have your code in SalesTableType.insert(); (or) immediately after assigning the sales Id.

yes in insert method there is a code for salesid, so should I just write this.salesid==this.custinvoiceid? i di,d like this actually but it did not work

You are assigning a value to a field not comparing them.
this.custInvoiceId = this.salesid;

what supposed to do?when salesid create how can I fill the custinvoiceid?

What are you really looking for?

sdorry i mixed it this is my another promlem.

I just want to know how can Update field from another field?

Did your initial problem was solved? Can you explain your another problem?

From which table field you want to update? What issue do you have?
Please provide more details.

I have a sales table,in salestable salesid is full but custinvoiceid is empty always.They said they want to fill empty custinvoiceid fields to fill with salesid.so when I create a sales how can I fill the custinvoiceid like salesid.they must be equal.

You are saying again and again the same issue. I have explained you how to do that.
this.custinvoiceid = this.SalesId;
Add the above line of code in salesTable.insert() method after ttsbegin;

sorry in first I could not understand the answer.thank you so much

Were you able to handle the issue now?