Performance Problem of NAV 2009 Classic

Hi all!

We try to “certify” a routing but the system is really slow. It take few seconds , sometimes minutes to get the routing certified.

Does anyone here has seen that problem? How can I resolve that?



How big is your database?

Are there any customisations in Routing area?

It seems it is not fine tuned for performance issues, may be you need to re-create the indexes.

One thing that you can try:

Optimize Tables: File>>Database>> Information>> Tables>> Select all and Then Press OPTIMISE.

This should be done when users are not connected to system.

Hi Taty,

When you certify a routing there are a number of checks and re-calculation performed e.g. Version Management.

Run a code coverage (if you have access) on the certify routine and see if there is bottleneck in codeunits 99000752 - Check Routing Lines and 99000756 - VersionManagement

Thanks Dave . I will try that.

Hi Dhan I will try that solution
