Experts iam getting the error "overflow undertype conversion from text to code " wen trying to increase the description field in item card
plz tell me how to do this because my client’s description field is more than 200 so help me
thank u
Experts iam getting the error "overflow undertype conversion from text to code " wen trying to increase the description field in item card
plz tell me how to do this because my client’s description field is more than 200 so help me
thank u
This is probably the #1 pitfall new entrants to the NAV market fall into - your first implementation I presume? [:D] There are lots and lots of discussions and postings on the item description expansion, the issues, why not to do it etc, there will be lots for you to read on here and mibuso.com if you use the search functionality.
thank u adam i read all those posts but can u tell me how to add a field and combine that to the current field
plz tell me in detail adam iam in badly need of that
thank uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Why not use the standard functionlity - put it in the extended text field, no development need, no upgrade issues etc etc. Can you tell me why you cannot use this funcitonality?
I cannot tell you how to do this because I am not a developer, but perhaps a developer will answer your question.
I guess this error is raised after extending the length of the field “Description”; then trying to insert such discription with more than 30 characters (standard). This is, because the Item “Description” (Text30) is copied to “Search Description” (Code30) - see T27 OnValidate “Description”:
IF (“Search Description” = UPPERCASE(xRec.Description)) OR (“Search Description” = ‘’) THEN
“Search Description” := Description;
To fix this, you need to either expand “Search Description”, too, or change the code:
IF (“Search Description” = UPPERCASE(xRec.Description)) OR (“Search Description” = ‘’) THEN
“Search Description” := COPYSTR(Description, 1, 30);
But besides this “tactical” problem, expanding standard fields raises also lots of “stategical” problems: Actually you need to implement the above solution - expanding fields or changing the code - needs to be implemendet where ever the Item “Description” is used: Sales Line, Purchase Line, Item Journal Line, all kinds of posted documents and so on and so on …
So you could run a WHERE USED analysis (NDT) of this field, then you get a looong list of all objects which might require a change.
You should not do that - expanding standard fields -; as Adam suggested, you should browse the forums to learn from other’s mistakes …
Best regards,
No I don’t think so. There are so many posts about this topic that it would take a week to read it. On top of that those posts contain all the information you need to resolve any problem surrounding this particular issue. At the very least you should have enough information to get started, and you wouldn’t need a full complete and comprehensive tutorial on how to apporach this issue.
Instead of asking for a complete guide on how to deal with this, maybe you have a more specific question. Explain exactly what you have done so far to address the problem, and what the problems are that you are encountering.