OverFlow in Decimal when Testing Table

While testing the Value Entry, i’m getting error “Overflow in Decimal”, the table has 27Million records. Navision 3.01 how can i fix it. It is stopping the replication (GOPRO) Is their a way to know which record(s) is giving the error ?

perhaps you try it with the debugger [8D] … Active = true … Breakpoints on Trigger = false this mostly leads you to a location near the error [:)] If not try it step by step to get an idea wath is wrong

Hello kamalb, Is it possible to write report scanning records and fields of mentioned type which will determine minimum and maximum values of this fields? Best regards, Anthony

I guess you are testing via File/Database/Information/Table/Test…? In that case the debugger does not work. Doing a (debug)step-by-step-test? 27 mio records? Yeah! Good luck!! Anyhow - problem is probably a decimal-field (or several) that contains a number with more than 5 decimals. Create a report that checks this.