Opening Balance Upload in AX 2009

Respected Experts,

I am trying an uploading opening balances in AX 2009 for vendors from the table LedgerJournalTrans created the template. But when i try and upload the same it says “Total Number of Lines:0”. Successfully imported Lines: 0"

Please help me finding a solution to this ASAP…

Thanks in Advance,

What tools are you using and how are you structuring this, what is your procedure?

First i exported LedgerJournalTrans Table from AX… after that i filled the excel template(LedgerJournalTrans) with the necessay fields like Vendor Code, Vendor Account type, Offset Account(99999) and Offset Account type(Ledger)etc. after that i went to General Journal selected Data Migration as the Journal Name > Lines > Import Lines button > selected the above template…but the same thing pops up.Number of Lines:0". Successfully imported Lines: 0" Help need a little help please Thanks in Advance

As a test create a journal, then export it, delete the line in the journal and import it and see if it works. Make no changes to the template at all, do not even open it - this proves the import.

You do not say how you are exporting, but if I assume you are using the standard import/export or the Excel wizard then make sure you create an import and import through the same tool as well. As standard there is no import from the lines - is this a modification or a localization? I would remove this from the process and import it thorugh the import tools.

its India locailzation.

I am exporting it via the def groups in the excel format.

but if i import the same via the def groups the same data will be reflected it the General jouran> Lines form??

how will I export the Journal Lines and how will i import the same jouurnal lines??

If you can please elaborate. As is I am doing it for the first time without the technical guy around me

Thanks in Advance.

Create the line, export the line, delete the line, import the line. It is a test that your import actually works nothing more.

Get technical help [:D]

You should create template from AX itself for the ledgerjournaltrans. I think the feature is available in Admin module under Periodic.

Generate the template from there and import it. it works fine.


Hi Adam ,

Can you tell me from where we need to export the line ? ( Is it from the Journal form or Data import/export wizard )

From the data export tool or the Excel Wizard. Ignore any line import or export functionality you may see.

Thanks Adam ,

Here is the key factor that is when we insert the journal line , few fields will be filled by system internally . When i try to export how do i come to know that what are all the fields that i need to select ?

Any manual is availble ?

You sit down with the export and compare it to what you have keyed and the knowledge you have gained. You then go through trial and error or relying on experieinced consultants in your company to teach you/guide you or show you.

Ok , i will do the same.