Number sequnce Creation

Hi all,

My requirement is i am trying to stop the number sequence generating in production form for production Id.Instead of base functionality i need a number sequence based on the Numbersequencecode selection in production order creation form .The NumberSequence should be generated once ok is given in the create form .Please give an idea…

Note: I have used NumberSequenceCode Edt in ProductionOrder form .so based on the lookup selection the number sequence has to be generated

Thanks & Regards


The ProdId will be generated immediately when a new production order is created - means it will be done in create method of the form data source. So the simple way is to override the create method of the ProdTable data source(ProdTableCraete Form) - display a dialog add your number sequence code as dialog field and based on the number sequence code selected in the dialog generate the number sequence…

Why would you want to do this? What are you gaining?