Move items from an item group to a new item group

All the item are recorded in an item hierarchy. the item hierarchy goes by: Business Code → Item Division Code → Item Department Code → Item Group → then the Item No. e.g.: for a hypermarket: 01 (electric appliance) → 001 (video) → 0001 (tv) → 00001 (sony) → then the item no. now i want to move all the item under an Item Division code 001(video) to a new division code 002 (visual). how can i make it or what is the process flow? as the item involved will exist in the previous transaction (sales, purchase, account) which recorded with the old division code 001, what will happend and the impact when i move it to new devision code? thanks n hope that any1 can help me… _________________ Regards.

Is this new division code one that has no existing transactions? If so, then you could simply rename the old Item Division Code to the New Division Code 002. Now this only works if you do not mind losing the previous transaction history tied to the original Division Code 001. Otherwise, you’ll need someone with development / database management background to create some routines to populate the appropriate tables.
