
I assigned Authorization for a purchase order. Now created a purchase order and sent for authorization. Now Authorized person is working on Navision .When the authorized person logins Navision then he will get a message

“ U have One task “. Then he will open and check that P.Order. This Navision process.

But what I want na. For example I created a P.Order Morning 11.30 Pm. And I sent for authorization, but at that time authorized person is working on Navision. Now authorized person did not get any message. But in the usertask form created a task.

But my query is while he working on Navision he should get message when some body sent for authorization.

How this process run. I could not get any solution. Could anybody throw as many as solutions to solve this problem. Just throw some functionality to do coding.

If anybody throw some light I will check about code.


Why not put your “code” in the “OnTimer” trigger in the main menue and set the trigger value to e.g. 3 minutes…

Oh, and of course you have to make sure not to send this message every 3 minutes then.

Walter, would that work with Navigation pane (pain)? Ameen filed his request under NAV 4.0.

I think U did not understand my query. What my query is while he working on Navision he should get that message regarding P.Order.

Oh, have not read that. But there are plenty other “OnTimer” trigger[;)]. So just choose a form the “authorized person” is normally working on.

I think I understood you query. You might not understand my answer.

Well, if your “authorized person” is mainly working on the purchase order form, put your “check for resently authorized P.orders”-code on the “OnTimer” trigger of the purchase order form (or whichever form this person is working mostly with; could be even on a couple of forms).